Clinical troubleshooting: diagnose any production issue, fast.

Over my career as an SRE, I’ve diagnosed thousands of production issues. When I’m lucky, I have enough information at hand, and enough expertise in the systems involved, to get to the bottom of the problem on my own. But very often I need to bring together a team.

Troubleshooting with a team unleashes enormous power. Problems that would have taken me days to solve as an individual might take only hours or minutes, thanks to the benefit of pooled knowledge.

However, collaborative troubleshooting also comes with dangers. Time and again, I’ve seen groups struggle to make progress on an investigation due to miscommunication, misalignment, and confusion. Among other difficulties, the fundamental common ground breakdown can have especially heinous consequences in this context.

Over the years, I’ve developed a reliable method for harnessing the diagnostic power of groups. My approach is derived from a different field in which groups of experts with various levels of context need to reason together about problems in a complex, dynamic system: medicine.

I call this method clinical troubleshooting.

The clinical troubleshooting process

Although clinical troubleshooting can be useful in solo troubleshooting, it really shines as a group activity. It’s a lightweight structure that always adds value. I recommend reaching for clinical troubleshooting as soon as you need to involve another person in any “why” question about an unexpected behavior of your system.

Step 0: Get a group together

Before you start, gather the people you’ll be troubleshooting with. Any synchronous communication channel can work for this: Slack, Zoom, a meeting room; you name it.

You don’t need a big group. In fact, a small group is best. What matters most is that you bring together diverse perspectives. If you’re a backend engineer, try to pull in a network engineer and a frontend engineer, or a support agent and a sysadmin. Cast a wide net.

Once you have an initial group, share a blank Google doc with everyone.

Step 1: Identify symptoms

Add a Symptoms header to the doc.

You’re the one bringing the issue, so you must have some observations already. Write those down in a numbered list.

It’s important that it be a numbered list rather than a bulleted list. As the troubleshooting process goes on, you’re going to want to refer to individual symptoms (and, later, hypotheses and actions). If each symptom has a number and the number never changes, this is a lot easier.

Ask your collaborators to list symptoms, too. They may have observed some other facet of the problem, or they may think to look at a graph that you don’t know about.

Here’s what an initial symptom list might look like:


  1. About 5 times a day, the Storage API sends a spike of 503 responses. Each spike lasts about 500 milliseconds and includes between 200 and 1000 responses (about 0.1 to 0.5% of all responses sent during the interval)
  2. Outside of these spikes, the Storage API has not sent any 503 responses at all in the last 14 days.
  3. The failing requests have short durations, around the same as those of normal requests (mostly under 100 milliseconds).

(In this and subsequent examples, don’t worry about understanding the exact technical situation. Clinical troubleshooting can be used on problems  in any part of any tech stack.)

All the symptoms on the list should be precise and objective. In other words, if a statement is quantifiable, quantify it. Don’t make suppositions yet about why these phenomena have been observed. That comes next.

Once you’re all on the same page about what problem you’re investigating, the initial symptom list is done.

Step 2: Brainstorm hypotheses

Add a Hypotheses header to the doc. Invite your colleagues to join you in suggesting hypotheses that might explain the symptoms.

Let the ideas flow, and write them all down. This is where having a diverse set of perspectives in the room really pays off. Your co-investigators will think of hypotheses that would never have occurred to you, and vice versa. The more of these you come up with, the more likely the actual explanation will be on the list.

A hypothesis can’t be just anything, though. A hypothesis must

  • explain (at least some of) the symptoms,
  • accord with all known facts, and
  • be falsifiable (that is: if it were false, we’d be able somehow to prove it false).

For example, given the symptoms above, “requests to the storage API are getting queued up behind a long-running query” would not be a sound hypothesis, since it’s inconsistent with Symptom 3. If requests were queued up, we’d expect them to take longer before failing.

After some discussion, your hypothesis list might look like this:


  1. A particular request causes an out-of-memory (OOM) event on a storage server, and all in-flight requests to that server get killed.
  2. A network hiccup causes connections between the load balancer and a storage server to be severed.
  3. Requests to the storage API are getting queued up behind a long-running query
    1. Discarded because inconsistent with Symptom 3
  4. A network hiccup causes connections between storage API servers and a persistence layer node to be severed.

Again, use a numbered list. If a hypothesis is ruled out or deemed irrelevant, don’t delete it: you don’t want the list numbering to change. Instead, mark it in some with formatting. I use strikethrough. Gray works too.

Step 3: Select actions

Add an Actions header.

In a new numbered list, choose one or two actions that will advance the troubleshooting effort. Usually, you should pick actions that will rule out, or “falsify,” one or more of the hypotheses on the table.

To rule out Hypothesis 2 above, for instance, you could review the logs for one of the error spikes and check whether all the affected requests were associated with the same load balancer or the same storage server. If the requests are distributed across your infrastructure, then Hypothesis 2 is ruled out (and Hypothesis 1 as well, for that matter!).

When you agree upon actions, it’s best to assign them to individuals. Sometimes an action can be taken right away, and other times it’ll take a while and the group will have to reconvene later. But ownership should never be unclear.

Ruling out hypotheses the only purpose of actions in clinical troubleshooting. You can also assign actions that expand the group’s understanding of the problem, in order to generate new symptoms and new hypotheses. These actions can be things like, “Read the documentation on system X‘s network configuration,” or “Search for blog posts about error message E.” As long as there’s at least one hypothesis in the running, though, there ought to be at least one action in flight that could falsify it. That’s one of the ways clinical troubleshooting ensures constant progress.

Steps 4 through N: Cycle back through

When actions are completed, you get more information for the symptom list. More symptoms suggest new hypotheses. New hypotheses imply further actions. Just keep going through the cycle until you’re satisfied.

Sometimes you won’t be satisfied until you have a definitive diagnosis: a solid explanation for all the symptoms that’s been proven right. Other times, you’ll be satisfied as soon as you take an action that makes the problem go away, even if there’s still uncertainty about what exactly was going on.

In any case, clinical troubleshooting will reliably get you to the solution.

Keep things moving forward

In the absence of structure, collaborative diagnosis can stall out. Or worse, go backward.

With clinical troubleshooting, there’s always a next step forward. Teams that practice this method will consistently get to the bottom of technical mysteries, even when strapped for data or under intense pressure. And over time, as this scientific way of thinking becomes a habit, and then a culture, we come to understand the behavior of our system that much better.

I can teach your team how to do this. Get in touch.

4 thoughts on “Clinical troubleshooting: diagnose any production issue, fast.

  1. Pingback: Dead air on the incident call – Dan Slimmon

  2. Ryan Doherty

    I have created many incident tracking docs just like this! Clinical is a good way to describe it, I have also used ’empirical’. I’m amazed how how effective it is, and it helps a lot with long running incidents or ones that span many teams.

  3. Pingback: Explaining the fire – Dan Slimmon

  4. Pingback: Garden-path incidents; saying hypotheses out loud – Dan Slimmon

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